Begins January 10.
Day 1
Taken from Meditations on the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ for Women Religious
O how fortunate you are, that when you were still an infant, you received the life of grace through baptism; that through the help of your parents and the Church you came to know the truth of God, and entered the way of salvation; and that you were called to a more perfect service of God! Are you sufficiently grateful for all this? What will you give to the Lord in return for all that He has given you? Therefore, above all, love Him ardently and constantly, for the love of Christ urges you; you will show this love if you try to know Jesus Christ more perfectly, follow Him more faithfully, and work more zealously to spread His Kingdom in your soul and in the souls of others.
A moment of reflection.
God, infinite love, you called Saint Joseph Sebastian to cooperate in the salvation of souls by word, pen and example, to lead the faithful to you through the most Sacred Heart, source of life and holiness. By his example, grant that we may grow more fully in the knowledge of Christ your Son, and may follow him more faithfully in zealously spreading his Kingdom of your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Our Holy Father, St. Joseph Sebastian
Pray for us.
Zealous imitator of Christ,
Pray for us.
Intercessor for our petitions before the throne of God.
Pray for us.
Day 2
Taken from the Homily at the Founding of the Congregation of the Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Servants of the Heart of Jesus, remember above all that Jesus demands love in exchange for His boundless love for you. How can you show this love?
First, strive for true sanctification of soul. Eagerly climb the mountain of perfection to fulfill the Lord’s command, You must be made perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.
It is not enough for you to be satisfied with a lesser degree of virtue, but you must climb the Divine ladder, which St. Francis , the great servant of the Lord, set up in his Rule; do not remain on the first rung, but climb higher and higher. It is not enough to fulfill perfectly the commandments of the Lord, but to keep strictly the evangelical counsels and rules of the Congregation. You will thus at the same time become imbued with a greater love for poverty, chastity and obedience, based on self-denial, work and sacrifice.
A moment of reflection.
Almighty God, in your fatherly goodness, you called us by means of the evangelical counsels to a perfect imitation of your Son. Through the intercession of our holy Father Founder, help us to strive constantly for evangelical perfection and to thereby increase the holiness of the Church and its apostolic fervor. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Our Holy Father, St. Joseph Sebastian
Pray for us.
Imitator of St. Francis.
Pray for us.
Intercessor for our petitions before the throne of God.
Pray for us.
Day 3
Taken from Meditations on the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ for Women Religious
Poverty is of such great value, primarily because it is the imitation of Jesus Christ. The lord Jesus became not only an example of the virtue of poverty, but he assured us, how blessed are the poor in spirit, the reign of God is theirs, and he promised that whoever abandons everything for his namesake will receive a hundredfold, since he receives God, the greatest treasure, Whoever has God, needs nothing, because he has everything.
The vow of poverty the man's a true resignation, a real privation: and it is the means to the virtue of poverty, a virtue which depends on Detachment of the hard from everything, and attachment to nothing. Voluntary poverty obtains abundant Graces, and aids perfection; whoever renounces all for God, travels quickly on the Lord's way, and enters Heaven safely through the narrow gate.
The spirit of poverty is a protective wall for the congregation, where it is lacking, the spirit of God and religious discipline disappear.
How have I observed the vow of poverty that's far, or at least, how do I desire to observe it? How have I looked at things given to me to use? Have I taken proper care of the things that belonged to the congregation? Have I loved poverty in my living quarters, in clothing, and in time of sickness? Have I attach myself to anything: to my position, to my work, to a person, or to a spiritual exercise? In a word, am I truly poor in spirit? Can I freely save without restraint oh, my God am I all?
A moment of reflection.
Lord Jesus Christ, you called us to a salad service for God by renunciation of all on Earth, and you assured us that we will find treasure in heaven. Grant that by living in poverty, according to your teaching and the directions of our blessed father founder, we may obtain the Kingdom of Heaven. You live and Reign forever and ever. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Our holy Father St Joseph Sebastian,
Pray for us.
Guide on the way to holiness,
Pray for us.
Intercessor for our petitions before the Throne of God,
Pray for us.
Day 4
Taken from Meditations on the Religious Life for Women Religious:
Chastity is precious, and blessed are its fruits. It paves the way to love, and helps us to be united with God; after all, blessed are the pure of heart for they will see God. Chastity gives the heart greater inspiration and holy joy; thus there is no happier person a chaste religious, who loves God, and loves her neighbor in God. Chastity make her work fruitful, and endows her with spiritual motherhood, because by her prayer, penance, and quiet, apostolic work, a holy religious gives birth to the Lord Jesus in many souls; because she does not have her own family, she becomes mistress to other children, especially to the poor and to orphans; she becomes, then, the guardian of the abandoned, the comforter of the afflicted and the advocate of sinners.
Therefore, let each religious love voluntary virginity with her whole soul, and let her consecrate her body and her soul to her Divine spouse. This Spouse is most worthy of her love. It is He, whom she espoused in the presence of God and the Church; then she should be always faithful to this Spouse in everything; and think constantly of the Divine Spouse, and try to please Him at every moment.
In a time of Temptation against Purity, let her gaze With Love At The Cross, or run before the Blessed Sacrament crying out, oh Jesus let me not be separated from you; let me rather die at this moment. During the time of tribulation, let her think of heaven, where her Divine spouse waits for her, and prepares a mansion for her.
Do I pray for the gift of Chastity? Do I resist with repugnance every temptation, and with great displeasure, resist all desires for earthly love? Do I try to persevere in perfect faithfulness to my heavenly Spouse?
A moment of reflection.
Lord Jesus Christ, you who were born of the Virgin Mary and who called blessed the pure of heart, through the intercession of St Joseph Sebastian Pelczar, may we imitate your perfect chastity throughout life; inflame our heart with an ever greater love for God and for all people, and help us to reach the Heavenly Kingdom, there to contemplate you for eternity. You live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Our Holy Father, St. Joseph Sebastian,
Pray for us.
Model of virginal chastity,
Pray for us.
Intercessor for our petitions before the Throne of God.
Pray for us.
Day 5
Taken from the Meditations on the Religious Life for Women Religious:
Each congregation has strength in life, only when there reigns within it a unity based on obedience to the Rules and to superiors. Wherever there is a lack of understanding of such obedience, there is confusion and moral ruin. Obedience is more pleasing to God than prayer, because it conquers our self-love. It is more pleasing than mortification, because it is the mortification of our self-love, and is the penance of the spirit. It is more pleasing than almsgiving, because it is a sacrifice of the will and judgment – the will and judgment being our own possession, they are, as such, most dear to us, and are at once most difficult to renounce.
Obedience leads to Perfection because if not only protects us from sin, but also points to the shortest and surest way of life.
To obtain perfect obedience, one must pray fervently about this virtue. Remember also, that obedience is the first duty of a religious, and is, for us, as a "Royal Road that one must take one to go to heaven." Do not be attached to your will and to your opinion, and concerning obligations "be anxious for nothing and excuse yourself from nothing." Do not permit yourself to criticize or to judge the rightness of the superior’s commands. Endure with love for the Most Sweet Heart of Jesus, all irritations caused by religious obedience, surrendering yourself to this Heart as a sacrificial lamb. Finally, honor God Alone in the superior, and, in her commands, see God's commands.
A moment of reflection.
Lord Jesus Christ, you always fulfilled the Father's will and became obedient unto death; in perfect oblation, you gave yourself to Him. Through the intercession of our Holy Father Founder, may we consecrate our will to God, and with faith, submit ourselves to our superiors; under their direction may we fulfill evangelical service for our neighbors, and contribute to the building of your mystical body. You live and Reign forever and ever. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Our Holy Father, St. Joseph Sebastian,
Pray for us.
Obedient to the law of the Church,
Pray for us.
Intercessor for our petitions before the Throne of God
Pray for us.
Taken from the homily at the Founding of the Congregation of the Servants of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Among the most fervent desires of the Heart of Jesus, is the desire that all would honor and love God's Most Blessed Mother, first because the Lord himself loves her with unspeakable love, and secondly because he made her the mother of all people, that with her tenderness she would draw to herself even those who run from the Holy Cross, and would lead them to the Divine heart.
Servants of this heart, honor This Mother, Love This Mother, listen to an infant with his mother; furthermore enkindle honor and love for her in the souls of others; and because this mother is Queen of our polish Nation, Crown solemnly on Jasna Gora, contribute therefore with all your strength through this end: namely, that all the people of our nation will honor and love her, and her throne will shine brilliantly on our soil.
Almighty God, your servant, Saint Joseph Sebastian Pelczar, was a great day though today of Mary, and in Devotion to her saw the source of renewal for every human heart and for the entire nation. Grant that we will love Mary as heated and helping others to come, through her, to the Divine heart of your son. You live and Reign forever and ever. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Our Holy Father Saint Joseph Sebastian,
Pray for us.
Zealous promoter of devotion to the immaculate Virgin,
Pray for us
Intercessor for our petitions before the Throne of God
Pray for us.
Day 7
Taken from the Homily at the Founding of the Congregation of Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus:
It is not enough to take care of your own soul. Every Christian should be an apostle; indeed every so consecrated to God should be the apostle. Because true love burns and radiates and tries to inflame other souls, if possible, the whole world.
Servants of the Heart of Jesus, your particular assignment must be to spread devotion to the Divine Heart. More than three hundred years ago, Jesus revealed to Blessed Margaret Mary the Mystery of His Heart, and, through her, revealed this mystery to the world. Today this devotion is spread widely throughout the world, yet it is not so ardent and universal as the Savior Himself desires nor as the Church his Spouse would like to see it. Therefore, let this be your concern, Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, be eager to return unlimited love, to repay His immeasurable love, and to offer expiation to the Lord for the insults He receives from the blind and ungrateful; moreover, spread honor and love for the Heart of Jesus, according to your ability.
A moment of reflection.
Lord our God, you reveal to us the ineffable love of the Heart of your Son, and you choose us to be His Servants. Enkindle His love in us.
Grant, through the intercession of our holy Father Founder, that rendering homage to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we may fulfill the obligation of worthy reparation, and may become His fervent apostles. Who live and reign with you forever and ever. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Our holy Father, St. Joseph Sebastian,
Pray for us.
Inspired Herald of the Mysteries of the Heart of Jesus,
Pray for us.
Intercessor for our petitions before the Throne of God
Pray for us.
Day 8
Taken from the Homily at the Founding of the Congregation of Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Another very ardent desire of the Heart of Jesus is the sanctification of souls. For them, the Savior came to earth; for them, He ascended the Cross, and from the Cross He cried out, I thirst.
For them, He remained in the Mystery of the Altar. Whoever wants to please the Lord Jesus should work with Him for the sanctification of souls, that is, to perform apostolic work, if not loudly, then silently – an apostolate of penance, good example, self-sacrifice. This apostolate should be your special characteristic, Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
You are to bring relief not only to sick bodies, that is, to do all suitable services and works, but you are also to care for their souls, so that kindness, prayer, good example, and self-renunciation will draw them to God. And where can you obtain that love? In the Heart of Jesus! This Heart is the school of virtues, the seat of grace, the fount of consolation and the hearth of spiritual light and fire. For the religious, It is the most effective aid for attaining sanctity, and for those in the active apostolate, It is the best means for making sinners repentant and for bringing them to God. Hasten then, all of you, to the Heart of Jesus!
A moment of reflection.
Lord Jesus Christ, you called us to participate in the work of redemption and in the sanctification of souls. Through the intercession of our holy Father Founder, give us the grace that by drawing strength from your Divine Heart, we may learn to embrace each person with our heart, and to zealously perform our apostolic tasks. You live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Our holy Father, St. Joseph Sebastian,
Pray for us.
Builder of the Spiritual Life,
Pray for us.
Intercessor for our petitions before the Throne of God,
Pray for us.
Day 9
Taken from the Homily at the Founding of the Congregation of Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus:
I fall at your feet, Lord Jesus, and I entrust these Servants to your Heart. Vivify them with your love, and give them a true religious spirit; bless their work; increase their number. I am giving this group to your heart, O Mother of Fair Love and Holy Hope. Lead these, your Servants, to the Heart of Jesus. Implore light, consolation and strength for them; take them under your mantle in time of distress and temptations. I place this group under your patronage, O St. Joseph, Patron Saint of the Church and our Patron. Teach them to pray, to work and to suffer. Supply, in a fatherly manner, for all their needs, spiritual and temporal. Make all of them pleasing to God and helpful to people. Let them live according to these words: “Glory be to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!” Amen.
A moment of reflection.
O God, by your will, St Joseph Sebastian Pelczar became the Founder of our religious family. Continually grant us new and holy vocations through his intercession, so that we will realize our Sacred Heart charism, and bring glory to your Name. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of death. Amen.
Our holy Father, St. Joseph Sebastian,
Pray for us.
Concerned Father to the souls entrusted to you,
Pray for us.
Intercessor for our petitions before the Throne of God,
Pray for us.
For your personal devotion:
Litany to St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy. Christ hear us
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven,
have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Spirit,
Holy Trinity, one God,
St. Joseph Sebastian,
pray for us.
Ardent adorer of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Inspired herald and adorer of the Mystery of the Heart of Jesus,
Zealous promoter of devotion to the Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Great lover of the Mother of God, Queen of Poland,
Faithful son of the Church,
Model for theologians,
Vigilant Shepherd of your diocese,
Wise builder of the spiritual life,
Guide on the path to perfection,
Faithful son of your homeland,
Teacher of unity for your nation,
Sower of brotherly love,
Apostle of moral renewal,
Patron of right decisions of life,
Model of unwavering faith,
Exemplar of fidelity to the grace of priesthood,
Ideal of devout diligence,
Steadfast pilgrim to Shrines of our Lord and the Blessed Mother,
Founder of a religious family,
Caring father of the souls entrusted to you,
Guardian of the poor,
Protector of the afflicted,
Intercessor for our petitions before the throne of God,
V. Constantly assist us, St. Joseph Sebastian,
R. That without hindrance we may obtain the glory of heaven.
God, infinite love, you called Saint Joseph Sebastian to cooperate in the salvation of souls by word, pen and example, to lead the faithful to you through the most Sacred Heart, source of life and holiness. By his example, grant that we may grow more fully in the knowledge of Christ your Son, and may follow him more faithfully in zealously spreading his Kingdom of your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Almighty, Eternal God, One Holy Trinity, I adore You and give You thanks for the graces You have bestowed on St. Joseph Sebastian, whom You have inspired with fervent devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Virgin Mary.
Following his example, may I, too, love the Divine Heart, and may this Heart become a source of holiness and consolation for me.
Hear my prayer, through the intercession of St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar, and grant me the grace of (…), which I ask of You. Amen.
St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar, pray for us.
God, infinite love, you called Saint Joseph Sebastian to cooperate in the salvation of souls by word, pen and example, to lead the faithful to you through the most Sacred Heart, source of life and holiness. By his example, grant that we may grow more fully in the knowledge of Christ your Son, and may follow him more faithfully in zealously spreading his Kingdom of your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.