On May 28, 2023, at the close of her last General Visitation, Mother Olga Podsadnia announced the General Administration of the Congregation in Krakow had apointed the following new Provincial Administration and had named the following local Superiors for the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the United States:
As of August 1, 2023
Mother Mary Joseph Calore, SSCJ
Provincial Superior
Sr. Ryszarda Wittbrodt, SSCJ
Provincial Councilor (Vicaress)
Sr. Assistant Klara Slonina, SSCJ
II Provincial Councilor
Sr. Assistant Mary Joan Greenberg, SSCJ
III Provincial Councilor
Sr. Assistant Maria Kotch,SSCJ
IV Provincial Councilor
Sr. Angela Marie Igou, SSCJ
Mistress of Novices
Sr. (Asst.) Maria Kotch, SSCJ
Mistress of Postulants
Sr. (Asst.) Superior Klara Slonina
St. Joseph, Munster Twp, Portage, PA
Sr. (Asst.) Superior Mary Joan Greenberg
St. John Paul II house community,
John Paul II Manor
Sr. (Asst.)Superior Maria Kotch
St. Maximilian Kolbe local house community, Province house
Sr. Superior Scholastyka Hajduk
St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar, Maggotty, Jamaica. WI
Sr. Superior Jacinta Miryam Hanley
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Grand Rapids, MI
August 11, 2023
On the feast of her patron St. Clare, Clare Schacte, a native of Ashland, Pennsylvania, was received into postulancy by Mother Provincial Mary Joseph Calore, SSCJ. Mother Mary Joseph offered the insight that as St. Clare of Assisi entered the service of God through the 'door of death' leaving her father's house, Sr. Clare Schacte is dying to the world in a deeper sense as she enters this new stage of relgious formation, and Sr. Clare is invited to consider her life as hidden now with Christ in God for the glory of the Sacred Heart. The Mistress of Postulants is Sr. Asst. (Superior) Maria Kotch, stationed at the province house in Cresson, assisted by Sr. Ryszarda Wittbrodt.
Mother Mary Joseph Calore and Sr. Vicaress Ryszarda Wittbrodt were invited to speak on August 10, 2023 about vocations and about St. John Paul II during St. Margaret Mary Parish’s Summer program promoting vocations in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
August 1-4, 2023
Our Sisters, Mother Mary Joseph Calore, Sr. Vicaress Ryszarda Wittbrodt, Sr. Superior Jacinta Miryam Hanley and Sr. Mistress Angela Marie Igou helped provide catechesis, as well as Polish language and culture classes as well as crafts at All Saints Parish summer camp in Boswell PA from August 1-4, attended by 64 children. Invited by the pastor, Fr. Aron Maghsoudi, our Sisters helped develop the theme "We celebrate as a Family" which included daily presentations on the life of the Church and family customs, ethnic traditions, dance, costume, and music, with displays in each classroom and hallways covering the entire Church year. The camp concluded with a Pilgrimage in honor of our Lady of Częstochowa from the hall through the streets to the church, concluding with Eucharistic adoration. It was a wonderful week with many graces for all if us. We thank the pastor and parishioners for every kindness to us.
From July 16 to July 20, junior Sister, Sr. Augustine Marie Molnar, as well as our aspirant Sr. Clare Schacte, a native of the Diocese of Allentown, had the opportunity to attend the Fiat Days of the Allentown Diocese at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, the theme of which was, "Following Her, you will not stray." This discernment retreat for young women ages 14 through 18 gave time for retreatants to pray, recreate, and spend time talking with Sisters from five different religious congregations.
Sr. Augustine Marie gave a presentation that focused on the role of Mary's motherhood in our lives, and obstacles that may block our relationship with Her and ways to overcome those obstacles. Sister Augustine Marie, who is a pianist, concluded the week working with a small group of students who served as a choir for the closing Mass, celebrated by the Most Reverend Alfred Schlert, Bishop of the Diocese of Allentown.
Sr. Augustine Marie gave a presentation that focused on the role of Mary's motherhood in our lives, and obstacles that may block our relationship with Her and ways to overcome those obstacles. Sister Augustine Marie, who is a pianist, concluded the week working with a small group of students who served as a choir for the closing Mass, celebrated by the Most Reverend Alfred Schlert, Bishop of the Diocese of Allentown.
June 26-July 7, 2023
From June 26-July 7, 2023, Sr. Assistant Ryszarda Wittbrodt, Sr. Jacinta Miryam Hanley and Sr. Francis Clare Flahive conducted the annual catechetical program at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Page, Arizona in the Diocese of Gallup, New Mexico, at the invitation of the pastor, Fr. Thomas Maikowski, Ph.D. Our Sisters instructed 30 children in the faith and prepared three of the children to receive sacraments and also promoted the enthronement of the Sacred Heart for 100 households. During their time out West, the Sisters were able to bring the relics of our Founders to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish and Shrine in Santa Fe, New Mexico. These relics were requested by Fr. Daniel Dupre, who is the pastor of this place, which is the oldest shrine in the United States.
June 17, 2023
On Saturday, June 17, 2023, Sister Margaret Mary Hill, SSCJ observed 50 years of religious vows at St. Joseph Convent in Munster Township, Portage, PA. Sister Margaret Mary Hill, a native of Chicago, Illinois, is the first American to celebrate her golden jubilee in our Congregation.
The celebrant for the Jubilee Mass was Fr. Aron M. Maghsoudi, pastor of Boswell, Central City and Hooversville Parishes. In his homily, Father Aron referred to the religious life of the late Sr. Camille Marie D'Invilliers, RSM, whose family home was purchased by our Sisters during Sr. Margaret Mary's novitiate and became the Province house of our Congregation in the United States.
As we honor Sr. Margaret Mary Hill, the first American to observe her Golden Jubilee, we remember the late Sr. Theresa Marie Kukla of her group, who died in 2019. We also give thanks for the life of love and dedication to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus that these first professed Sisters in the USA have given for the greater honr and glory of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The celebrant for the Jubilee Mass was Fr. Aron M. Maghsoudi, pastor of Boswell, Central City and Hooversville Parishes. In his homily, Father Aron referred to the religious life of the late Sr. Camille Marie D'Invilliers, RSM, whose family home was purchased by our Sisters during Sr. Margaret Mary's novitiate and became the Province house of our Congregation in the United States.
As we honor Sr. Margaret Mary Hill, the first American to observe her Golden Jubilee, we remember the late Sr. Theresa Marie Kukla of her group, who died in 2019. We also give thanks for the life of love and dedication to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus that these first professed Sisters in the USA have given for the greater honr and glory of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
June 16, 2023
On the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we rejoiced in our new aspirant, Sr. Clare Schachte and our new novices, Sr. Raphael Marie (Catherine Federline) and Sr. Theophana Grace (Keli Jo Conner). Mother Provincial Klara Slonina led both reception and investiture ceremonies today. The Mistress of Novices is Sr. Angela Marie Igou and the newly erected novitiate is in Loretto, Pennsylvania.
The Mistress of Postulants is Sr. Aast/Superior Maria Kotch at the province house in Cresson, PA.
The Mistress of Postulants is Sr. Aast/Superior Maria Kotch at the province house in Cresson, PA.
June 8-16, 2023
The Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, USA Province made their Annual Retreat in Munster Twp, Portage, PA, June 8-16. 2023, led by Fr. Thomas Maikowski of the Diocese of Gallup, New Mexico, parochial administrator of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Page Az and dean of the Navajo Deanery, holds doctorates in Education and Philosophy and is a much sought after retreat director for religous communities in the United States. Fr. Maikowski worked closely with the late Bishop Jerome Hastrich, himself a great supporter of consecrated life.
May 31, 2023
We rejoice in the consecration of a new novitiate house for our Congregation on American soil, on Metz Road in Loretto, Pennsylvania, which took place on May 31, 2023, by Bishop Mark Bartchak and Fr. Mariusz Gorazd.
This house, canonically established as a novitiate with the permission of the local Ordinary and erected by the General Superior and her Council under the Patronage of the Immaculate Conception, was formerly used by the late Fr. Eugene Jacobs and his caregivers, John and Mary Pifko, was given to our Province by Fr. Jacobs in the hopes that it would one day serve as a formation house.
May God bless Mother Provincial Klara Slonina and Sister Jana Paula and our postulants, Sr. Catherine Federline and Sr. Keli Jo Conner, with maintenance Jim McKeel and John Yamrick, who worked so very hard to prepare for the opening of this house. It is a beautiful and peaceful place to grow in the spiritual life.
This house, canonically established as a novitiate with the permission of the local Ordinary and erected by the General Superior and her Council under the Patronage of the Immaculate Conception, was formerly used by the late Fr. Eugene Jacobs and his caregivers, John and Mary Pifko, was given to our Province by Fr. Jacobs in the hopes that it would one day serve as a formation house.
May God bless Mother Provincial Klara Slonina and Sister Jana Paula and our postulants, Sr. Catherine Federline and Sr. Keli Jo Conner, with maintenance Jim McKeel and John Yamrick, who worked so very hard to prepare for the opening of this house. It is a beautiful and peaceful place to grow in the spiritual life.
APRIL 20-MAY 31, 2023

From April 20 to May 31, 2023, the visitation of Mother General Olga Podsadnia to the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the USA was carried out. Mother General Olga was accompanied by: General Econome Sr. Dolores Dybaś and Sr. Gracjanna Zawadzka.
Pictured here L-R: Sr. Gracjanna, Mother Olga, Most Rev. Mark L. Bartchak, Bishop of Altoona-Johnstown, USA Provincial Mother Klara Slonina, & Sr. Dolores.
Pictured here L-R: Sr. Gracjanna, Mother Olga, Most Rev. Mark L. Bartchak, Bishop of Altoona-Johnstown, USA Provincial Mother Klara Slonina, & Sr. Dolores.
April 16, 2023
Our Sisters participated on Divine Mercy Sunday in a Holy Hour of Divine Mercy at St. Anthony/St George Maronite Parish in Wilkes-Barre, PA, reading excerpts from Diary of St. Faustina, followed by Divine Liturgy offered by Fr. Adib Salameh & Fr. Tony Youssef with homilist Msgr John Esseff (renowned exorcist & a spiritual director to Mother Teresa of Calcutta). Attended by Sr. Mary Joseph Calore, Sr. Jana Paula Sloboda and our postulants Sr. Catherine Federline and Sr. Keli Jo Conner.
Our Sisters participated on Divine Mercy Sunday in a Holy Hour of Divine Mercy at St. Anthony/St George Maronite Parish in Wilkes-Barre, PA, reading excerpts from Diary of St. Faustina, followed by Divine Liturgy offered by Fr. Adib Salameh & Fr. Tony Youssef with homilist Msgr John Esseff (renowned exorcist & a spiritual director to Mother Teresa of Calcutta). Attended by Sr. Mary Joseph Calore, Sr. Jana Paula Sloboda and our postulants Sr. Catherine Federline and Sr. Keli Jo Conner.
January & February 2023 - Sr. Jana Paula Sloboda and postulants participated in Vocation events in Cresson, and Newry, PA as part of Catholic Schools Week.
November 25, 2022
Meeting of Local Superiors, , Cresson, PA
On November 25, 2022, the local superiors of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the United States had their annual meeting led by Mother Provincial Klara Slonina and our Province house confessor, Fr. Jerzy Auguscik, OFM Conventual, Pastor of St. Augustine Parish in St. Augustine, Pennsylvania and St. Monica Parish in Chest Springs, Pennsylvania. The day included reflections, meetings, dinner together, a holy hour and opportunity for the Sisters to go to confession or to ask Father Auguscik any questions.
Meeting of Local Superiors, , Cresson, PA
On November 25, 2022, the local superiors of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the United States had their annual meeting led by Mother Provincial Klara Slonina and our Province house confessor, Fr. Jerzy Auguscik, OFM Conventual, Pastor of St. Augustine Parish in St. Augustine, Pennsylvania and St. Monica Parish in Chest Springs, Pennsylvania. The day included reflections, meetings, dinner together, a holy hour and opportunity for the Sisters to go to confession or to ask Father Auguscik any questions.
November 19, 2022
Our Sisters joined John Paul II Manor staff for an Active Shooter Training with Bubba Fatula at John Paul II Manor. Mr. Fatula explained that to survive an active shooter attack, you must know you are involved in an active shooter incident. Run, Hide, Fight. There must be a plan on how to respond effectively to alert others in the building, to find a rally point. Crime is opportunistic, we must remove opportunities.
Our Sisters joined John Paul II Manor staff for an Active Shooter Training with Bubba Fatula at John Paul II Manor. Mr. Fatula explained that to survive an active shooter attack, you must know you are involved in an active shooter incident. Run, Hide, Fight. There must be a plan on how to respond effectively to alert others in the building, to find a rally point. Crime is opportunistic, we must remove opportunities.
November 12-13, 2022
At the invitation of Fr. Aron Maghsoudi, Mother Klara, Sr. Mary Joseph, Sr. Jana Paula, Sr. Mary Barbara and the postulants attended the Queen of angels Pilgrimage to Buffalo NY. Pilgrimage included Blessed Trinity at Buffalo, St. Casimir’s, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, St. Anthony, Buffalo, Dinner at Polish Villa Restaurant, and closing performance of the Tambouritzin Dancers in Meadville PA on our way home. We had lunch in Buffalo at the restaurant where buffalo wings originated.
At the invitation of Fr. Aron Maghsoudi, Mother Klara, Sr. Mary Joseph, Sr. Jana Paula, Sr. Mary Barbara and the postulants attended the Queen of angels Pilgrimage to Buffalo NY. Pilgrimage included Blessed Trinity at Buffalo, St. Casimir’s, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, St. Anthony, Buffalo, Dinner at Polish Villa Restaurant, and closing performance of the Tambouritzin Dancers in Meadville PA on our way home. We had lunch in Buffalo at the restaurant where buffalo wings originated.
November 1-3, 2022
Sr. Mary Joseph Calore attended a mandatory prison chaplain state training program at the State Corrections Academy in Elizabethtown, PA with Catholic Chaplain Christopher Maurer.
Sr. Mary Joseph Calore attended a mandatory prison chaplain state training program at the State Corrections Academy in Elizabethtown, PA with Catholic Chaplain Christopher Maurer.
October 4, 2022
On the Solemnity of St. Francis of Assisi, Octoer 4, 2022, the American Province received 3 new postulants, Sr. Catherine Federline, Sr. Keli Jo Conner, and Sr. Elizabeth Yaremko.
We thank God for these beautiful young women who so generously gave themselves to the service of God, we pray for their discernment, and we pray also for the young women who are in our weekly discernment zoom meetings or who are writing to inquire about our Congregation.
We thank God for these beautiful young women who so generously gave themselves to the service of God, we pray for their discernment, and we pray also for the young women who are in our weekly discernment zoom meetings or who are writing to inquire about our Congregation.
9/15/2022 - 9/18/22 National Assembly - CMSWR
Mother Provincial and Sr. Mary Joseph attended the National Assembly of the Conference of Council of Major Superiors Women Religious in St. Louis, held at the Drury Hotel. The Keynote Address was by Bishop Andrew Cozzins who is organizing the Eucharistic Revival in the US. Bishop Andrew Cozzins said: “The Holy Eucharist is the place where my whole life becomes gift.”
Mother Provincial and Sr. Mary Joseph attended the National Assembly of the Conference of Council of Major Superiors Women Religious in St. Louis, held at the Drury Hotel. The Keynote Address was by Bishop Andrew Cozzins who is organizing the Eucharistic Revival in the US. Bishop Andrew Cozzins said: “The Holy Eucharist is the place where my whole life becomes gift.”
September 9, 2022
Sacred Heart Sisters Golf Tournament-organized by Messers Richard and Ward Prostejovsky and Golf Committee.
Sacred Heart Sisters Golf Tournament-organized by Messers Richard and Ward Prostejovsky and Golf Committee.
August 2-5, 2022
Boswell Camp – The following Sisters participated: Sr. Mary Joseph Calore, Sr. Mary Barbara Hoyt, Sr. Jana Paula Sloboda, Sr. Angela Marie Igou, Sr. Augustine Marie Molnar, Postulant Sisters Catherine Federline and Keli Jo Conner.
Summer Catechesis and Ethnic Culture Program in Boswell, Pennsylvania
(Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown)
From August 2-5, our Sisters participated in a week of catechesis and Polish culture at All Saints Parish in Boswell, Pennsylvania under the pastor, Fr. Aron Maghsoudi.
62 children participated in these days that included lessons - for the younger children, on the miracles of the Lord Jesus, and, for the older children, on the virtues.
Sr. Jana Paula Sloboda presented daily Polish language and music lessons, as well as teaching, games, activities and songs for the Kindergarten children; Sr. Angela Marie Igou and Sr. Augustine Marie Molnar conducted catechism classes for the 1st and 2nd graders; Aspirants Keli Jo Conner and Catherine Federline for grades 3 and 4; and Sr. Mary Joseph Calore with Father Aron Maghsoudi and the Confirmation director, for grades 5-8. Sr. Mary Barbara Hoyt helped in serving food in the kitchen.
Polish language and customs were presented, such as pisanki, pierogi, palm weaving, and an ethnic dance presentation by a dance troupe from Pittsburgh.
Our Sisters prepared a great outdoor chalk art display of Our Lady of Czestochowa and the flags of Poland and America. Many of the children come from non-practicing Catholic families and broken homes. In January, our Sisters promoted the enthronement of the Sacred Heart in this parish and two other parishes nearby.
Boswell Camp – The following Sisters participated: Sr. Mary Joseph Calore, Sr. Mary Barbara Hoyt, Sr. Jana Paula Sloboda, Sr. Angela Marie Igou, Sr. Augustine Marie Molnar, Postulant Sisters Catherine Federline and Keli Jo Conner.
Summer Catechesis and Ethnic Culture Program in Boswell, Pennsylvania
(Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown)
From August 2-5, our Sisters participated in a week of catechesis and Polish culture at All Saints Parish in Boswell, Pennsylvania under the pastor, Fr. Aron Maghsoudi.
62 children participated in these days that included lessons - for the younger children, on the miracles of the Lord Jesus, and, for the older children, on the virtues.
Sr. Jana Paula Sloboda presented daily Polish language and music lessons, as well as teaching, games, activities and songs for the Kindergarten children; Sr. Angela Marie Igou and Sr. Augustine Marie Molnar conducted catechism classes for the 1st and 2nd graders; Aspirants Keli Jo Conner and Catherine Federline for grades 3 and 4; and Sr. Mary Joseph Calore with Father Aron Maghsoudi and the Confirmation director, for grades 5-8. Sr. Mary Barbara Hoyt helped in serving food in the kitchen.
Polish language and customs were presented, such as pisanki, pierogi, palm weaving, and an ethnic dance presentation by a dance troupe from Pittsburgh.
Our Sisters prepared a great outdoor chalk art display of Our Lady of Czestochowa and the flags of Poland and America. Many of the children come from non-practicing Catholic families and broken homes. In January, our Sisters promoted the enthronement of the Sacred Heart in this parish and two other parishes nearby.
July 16-31, 2022
Sr. Mary Joseph Calore, Sr. Jana Paula Sloboda, Sr. Angela Marie Igou and Sr. Catherine Federline conducted the summer religious program in Page, Arizona.
Sr. Mary Joseph Calore, Sr. Jana Paula Sloboda, Sr. Angela Marie Igou and Sr. Catherine Federline conducted the summer religious program in Page, Arizona.
July 17-21 2022 – Fiat Days of Allentown, attended by Sr. Augustine Marie and Keli Jo Conner.
Summer Camp in Archdiocese of Philadelphia (Swedesburg)
From June 25-July 2, our Sisters conducted a summer catechesis camp for grade school children from Sacred Heart Parish in Swedesburg, Pennsylvania, in which our Sisters served from 2004-2017, (the pastor is Fr. Peter DiMaria, a longtime friend of the American Province). The theme for the week was the Miracles of the Lord Jesus, and activities included lessons, games, music, video presentations, snack and lunch. Nearly all of the 25 children who participated in the camp, do not practice their Catholic faith. The families were of different national descent: one was of Polish and Ukrainian immigrants, Mexican, Indian, and American. Our Sisters stayed with the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters at the convent there, and who invited our Sisters to see their Motherhouse in Immaculata, Pennsylvania. When not conducting the camp, our Sisters visited the city of Philadelphia, praying at the National Shrines of the Miraculous Medal and St. John Neumann, and also seeing the animals at the Philadelphia Zoo.
June 25, 2022
Solemnity of Sacred Heart, Reception of 2 Aspirants to the Congregation: Catherine Federline of Murrysville, PA and Keli Jo Conner of Sulphur, LA.
Solemnity of Sacred Heart, Reception of 2 Aspirants to the Congregation: Catherine Federline of Murrysville, PA and Keli Jo Conner of Sulphur, LA.
June 16-22, 2022
Annual Retreat with Fr. Thomas Acklin, OSB and Neal and Janet Lozano and their team from Baltimore.
Annual Retreat with Fr. Thomas Acklin, OSB and Neal and Janet Lozano and their team from Baltimore.
March 25, 2022
Our Sisters attended Holy Mass in Altoona in the spirit of unity and prayer with Pope Francis for Ukraine.
Our Sisters attended Holy Mass in Altoona in the spirit of unity and prayer with Pope Francis for Ukraine.
March 10, 2022
Sr. Mary Joseph Calore began an apostolate at Laurel Highlands State Correctional Institute at Somerset, PA, visiting the sick and infirm inmates., and was also appinted the Administrator of the John Paul II Manor in Cresson, PA .
Sr. Mary Joseph Calore began an apostolate at Laurel Highlands State Correctional Institute at Somerset, PA, visiting the sick and infirm inmates., and was also appinted the Administrator of the John Paul II Manor in Cresson, PA .
January - March 2022
Sacred Heart Sisters conducted Enthronement talks in the Dioceses of Altoona-Johnstown and Wheeling-Charleston, at the invitation of pastors there.
Sacred Heart Sisters conducted Enthronement talks in the Dioceses of Altoona-Johnstown and Wheeling-Charleston, at the invitation of pastors there.
February 7, 2022
Memorial of Bl. Klara Szczesna
Most Reverend Mark L. Bartchak offered the Holy Mass in honor of Blessed Klara Szczesna with a dinner following in our refectory.
Memorial of Bl. Klara Szczesna
Most Reverend Mark L. Bartchak offered the Holy Mass in honor of Blessed Klara Szczesna with a dinner following in our refectory.
Meeting of Local Superiors, November 25, 2022, Cresson, PA
On November 25, 2022, the local superiors of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the United States had their annual meeting led by Mother Provincial Klara Slonina and our Province house confessor, Fr. Jerzy Auguscik, OFM Conventual, Pastor of St. Augustine Parish in St. Augustine, Pennsylvania and St. Monica Parish in Chest Springs, Pennsylvania. The day included reflections, meetings, dinner together, a holy hour and opportunity for the Sisters to go to confession or to ask Father Auguscik any questions.
Reflection by Fr. Jerzy Auguscik, OFM Conv.
Father Auguscik reflected on a review of the year 2022 that was drawing to a close, asking the question, what was my involvement this year about the truth? Like the Gospel of the day which was about the cleansing of the 10 lepers, can I honestly say that I am grateful? Grateful for my call. Faithful to my call. I will remember that the Lord prunes us to make us more fruitful.
Father gave the example that when taking a trip by airplane, the passengers are warned that if there is an emergency and oxygen masks are released, the adults must put on their mask before helping others. He likened this to the responsibility each superior has to take care of her own spiritual life before she tries to help others.
As an examen for the superiors, Father encouraged us to see where we spent our time this year, with God in silence or with people. Father reminded the superiors that the people will know we are happy if we pray. The people will sense our closeness to God if we are united to Him.
On November 25, 2022, the local superiors of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the United States had their annual meeting led by Mother Provincial Klara Slonina and our Province house confessor, Fr. Jerzy Auguscik, OFM Conventual, Pastor of St. Augustine Parish in St. Augustine, Pennsylvania and St. Monica Parish in Chest Springs, Pennsylvania. The day included reflections, meetings, dinner together, a holy hour and opportunity for the Sisters to go to confession or to ask Father Auguscik any questions.
Reflection by Fr. Jerzy Auguscik, OFM Conv.
Father Auguscik reflected on a review of the year 2022 that was drawing to a close, asking the question, what was my involvement this year about the truth? Like the Gospel of the day which was about the cleansing of the 10 lepers, can I honestly say that I am grateful? Grateful for my call. Faithful to my call. I will remember that the Lord prunes us to make us more fruitful.
Father gave the example that when taking a trip by airplane, the passengers are warned that if there is an emergency and oxygen masks are released, the adults must put on their mask before helping others. He likened this to the responsibility each superior has to take care of her own spiritual life before she tries to help others.
As an examen for the superiors, Father encouraged us to see where we spent our time this year, with God in silence or with people. Father reminded the superiors that the people will know we are happy if we pray. The people will sense our closeness to God if we are united to Him.
From July 3-18, 2021 -- Mother Provincial Klara Slonina and Sr. Mary Joseph Calore were in Page, Arizona in the Diocese of Gallup, New Mexico. The pastor, Fr. Thomas Maikowski, a zealous pastor in the home missions, invited us to catechize the children of his parish and prepare them for sacraments of initiation. Despite the blistering temperatures in the high desert region, we were able, by the grace of God, to catechize 28 children, prepare 6 children for sacraments of Confirmation, Holy Communion and Penance, and even welcome two Navajo children to the sacrament of Baptism! Fr. Maikowski was very receptive to the idea of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the homes of his parishioners - and after a crusade of speaking during the Masses for three weekends, 100 households welcomed the Sacred Heart of Jesus as the Lord of their homes and hearts. Fr. Maikowski took us to see the beautiful sights of the Grand Canyon and the historical places in Gallup, Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico. We are so grateful to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that we could be His ambassadors and instruments among Navajo, Mexican-American, Fillipino-American and American children!
From June 13-19, 2021, six Sisters of the American Province enjoyed a common period of rest and renewal visiting the earliest churches in America devoted to the Sacred Heart -- in Conewago, Hanover, Pennsylvania and at Whitemarsh Plantation, Bowie Maryland, as well as a visit to the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, enjoying the beauty of the islands of Chincoteague, Assateague and Tangier, on the eastern shore of the state of Virginia. During their ocean visit, the Sisters went by boat to Tangier Island, where the most ancient form of the English language is still spoken in that fishing community. The Sisters also took a boat around Assateague Island, seeing a school of dolphins leaping from the water and catching a glimpse of the wild ponies that inhabit the region. This trip was a Jubilee gift by Fr. Aron Maghsoudi, who together with Fr. Douglas Ondeck accompanied part of the excursion, arranging daily holy Mass and adoration for our Sisters, dinners and pilgrimage visits. The Sisters stayed at a beautiful beach house, where there was time for prayer, rest and relaxation. It was an uplifting time of sisterly love and unity that was truly a grace for all who attended.
On June 12, 2021, the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at noon at St. Francis Xavier Church in Cresson, Pennsylvania, Sr. Mary Daniel (Juanita Francine) Jackson, SSCJ and Sr. Mary Joseph (Joan Ann) Calore, SSCJ observed their Silver Jubilee of Religious Profession. The celebrant of the Holy Mass was the pastor, Fr. Leo Arnone and the homilist was Fr. Aron Maghsoudi. Father Maghsoudi based his homily on the phrase of Blessed Pope Pius IX that so motivated our Father Founder, “Be as torches burning in the fog.” The Mass was concelebrated by visiting priest, Very Rev. John Byrnes, Judicial Vicar of the Diocese; Chaplains Msgr. Bernard Przybocki and Fr. Jerzy Auguscik, OFM Conventual; and Fr. Douglas Ondeck of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston.
Sr. Mary Daniel and Sr. Mary Joseph were received into religious life in 1993 by then Mother Provincial Amabilis Debicka, the final candidates Mother received and her last formation class as mistress of postulants. Their novitiate and juniorate was directed by Sr. Theresa Marie Kukla.
Sr. Mary Daniel and Sr. Mary Joseph are so grateful to Almighty God for this grace and for the motherly support of our Reverend Mother Olga Podsadnia and Reverend Mother Provincial Klara Slonina. The Sisters are also thankful for the beautiful dinner following the Jubilee Mass in the church hall, decorated so nicely for the occasion, attended by our Sisters, the priests and the Jubilarians’ family and friends. Deo gratias!
Sr. Mary Daniel and Sr. Mary Joseph were received into religious life in 1993 by then Mother Provincial Amabilis Debicka, the final candidates Mother received and her last formation class as mistress of postulants. Their novitiate and juniorate was directed by Sr. Theresa Marie Kukla.
Sr. Mary Daniel and Sr. Mary Joseph are so grateful to Almighty God for this grace and for the motherly support of our Reverend Mother Olga Podsadnia and Reverend Mother Provincial Klara Slonina. The Sisters are also thankful for the beautiful dinner following the Jubilee Mass in the church hall, decorated so nicely for the occasion, attended by our Sisters, the priests and the Jubilarians’ family and friends. Deo gratias!
June 11, 2021 was a glorious day for the Sisters of the Sacred Heart (Sercanki) of the Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the United States. Today our Sisters renewed our self-offering and the enthronement of the Sacred Heart as King of our Province, first made in 1997. Our Congregation made the same offering in Krakow, so we were united with our Sisters worldwide. Very Reverend Father Stanislaw Dailey, Vicar for Religious of the Diocese of Columbus offered today's Holy Mass at St. Joseph Convent in Munster Township, Portage, Pennsylvania and afterward led the Rededication of the Enthronement at the Province Chapel in Cresson, Pennsylvania. A social was held afterward with the drawing of our raffle by Fr. Stash, to benefit our John Paul II Manor. Thank you to all The winners of the Raffle were: Third-First: Third Prize Donald DeGol * Second Prize Ron Muldoon * First Prize Randy Stager
Homily of Very Rev. Fr. Stash Dailey, Vicar for Religious, Diocese of Columbus
The Sisters' Annual Retreat was held at St. Joseph Convent in Munster Township, Pennsylvania from June 3-10, directed by Most Rev. William Waltersheid, Auxiliary of Pittsuburgh. Bishop Waltersheid gave reflections based on the Sacred Heart Angelus Meditations of St. John Paul II. Various priests were able to visit with the Bishop, also being as edified as our Sisters. We are truly grateful to his holy bishop for his insights, prayers and sacrifices. May our Founder, St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar, obtain for Bishop Waltersheid all graces and blessings in his ministry.